The Therma-HEXX system will work with any source of hydronic heating or cooling. From boilers and chillers to air to water and water to water heat pumps.
As a proud supplier of Chiltrix products, we recommend and supply Chiltrix air to water heat pumps (ATWHP):
- Chiltrix support team is very responsive to any support questions or issues.
- Chiltrix units communicates with and is controlled by the Loxone control via modbus for hyper efficient system operation.
- Chiltrix delivers fluid at the temperature required to meet the load parameters at each moment. No more, no less.
- Chiltrix publishes complete and officially certified efficiency and performance ratings.
- Chiltrix holds multiple world-records for efficiency among all AHRI-certified ATWHP systems with astonishing cooling season average EER ratings as high as EER 23.3 (nearly double that of most competitors).
- Chiltrix also has some of the highest-ever ratings for heating efficiency among ATWHPs with an officially certified SCOP (Seasonal Average Coefficient of Performance) of SCOP 4.67.
- Chiltrix is very well supported, feature-rich, and is one of the most well-established brands in the ATWHP industry.
- Chiltrix received the US EPA/Energy Star “Emerging Technology Award” in 2020.
- Chiltrix information and specifications can be found at
CX50 Air To Water Heat Pump
4.75 Tons Heating (56,983 BTU)
COP 4.62
3.5 Tons Cooling (40,944 BTU)
The Chiltrix CX50 ATWHP Has Europe’s Highest Efficiency Rating!
Why does this matter here in the USA? Click for more >>>
CX50 uses the same award-winning controls technology as CX34. And, it has been optimized for heating performance while still beating every air to water heat pump in the industry (except the Chiltrix CX34) for cooling.
SCOP 4.55 (Seasonal Average COP)
Environmentally Friendly R-32

The Record-Setting, Award Winning CX34
Air To Water Heat Pump Chiller (ATWHP)
The Worlds Most Efficient Air To Water Heat Pump
2 Tons Cooling / 2.8 Tons Heating
Cooling EER 22.21
Heating COP 3.92
Up to 8 indoor units (IDUs) can be used. One Chiltrix ODU can connect to an amount of IDUs rated for up to 115% of the ODU capacity. ODU can also be used with ducted air handler, floor heating, or integrated with existing boiler or solar hydronic heating.